Electric power can be transmitted or distributed either by overhead system or by underground cable. Cables are mainly designed as per requirement. Power cables are mainly used for power transmission and distribution purpose. It is an assembly of one or more individually insulated electrical conductors, usually held together with an overall sheath. The assembly is used for transmission and distribution of electrical powerElectrical power cables may be installed as permanent wiring within buildings, buried in the ground and run overhead or exposed. Flexible power cables are used for portable devices, mobile tools and machinery.These are designed and manufactured as per voltagecurrent to be carried, operating maximum temperature and purpose of applications desired by customer.
For mining, we give extra mechanical strength to cable with double armoring. For wind power plant customers generally require flexible and UV protected cable with mechanical tough sheath so we design as per their requirement. The underground cables have several advantages such as less liable to damage through storms, lightning, low maintenance cost, less chances of faults, smaller voltage drop and better general appearance.